Top 4 Summer Holiday Study Tips
Avoid the “Summer Slide” with these holiday study tips.

Studies confirm the reality of the “summer slide,” indicating a genuine decline in learning during the extended break. Consequently, students frequently find themselves lagging behind upon returning to school in the new academic year. This issue is especially troublesome for those transitioning to a different school or grade level, like moving from Year 6 to Year 7, as they must adjust to unfamiliar surroundings, new teachers, and more challenging coursework.
Every student experiences a decline in math skills over the summer, and the loss of essential literacy skills is also prevalent, especially among those who don’t prioritize reading during the break. It’s a matter of common sense: without practice, skills deteriorate. Previously, when children spent their summers immersed in reading, the decline was less noticeable. However, with more time spent on phones rather than reading, the issue is becoming increasingly apparent.
The “summer slide” exacerbates disparities among younger students due to less secure foundational skills, necessitating more intentional consolidation of learning. Clear evidence shows that cognitive engagement through focused learning programs and activities helps alleviate the impact of the extended break. That’s why Cluey, along with many other educational institutions, provides summer intensives.
Summer tutoring programs present numerous advantages and avenues for students. For seniors facing crucial assessments, structured revision and engagement with new material during the summer can sustain their essential momentum and focus. It allows them to address queries and receive assistance while studying, rather than waiting until school resumes. Aspiring students can utilize the summer to get ahead of their peers, enhancing their prospects of acceptance into advanced classes and subjects. Additionally, for those who have felt overwhelmed during the academic year, summer tutoring offers a chance to systematically review missed concepts at a more relaxed pace. Ultimately, investing some time during the extended holiday to get ahead will significantly ease the upcoming year for all students.
Research suggests that instead of mirroring the classroom setting, which children often require a break from, personalized tutoring programs such as those offered by Cluey are more effective. They align well with the leisurely pace of summer holidays and complement, rather than detract from, other vital aspects of vacation time, such as trips to the beach, visits to the local swimming pool, physical activity, and ample rest.
We often stress the importance of maintaining balance in children’s lives. During term time, the pace can feel overwhelming, while holidays, especially breaks, can seem slow and dull. Children often retreat into their digital realms, leading to familiar battles over screen time for parents. Dr. Joanne Orlando, an international expert on family and digital lifestyles, suggests that parents fretting over every minute their children spend on screens is counterproductive. Instead, she emphasizes the importance of harnessing technology for educational purposes to foster essential skills and creativity. Allocating some of children’s holiday screen time for learning can effectively introduce balance into their lives.
Here are four key strategies to prevent the summer slide:
- Summer tutoring programs in Mathematics and English will prevent regression and equip your child for the year ahead.
- Select a tutoring company that offers flexibility, convenience, and accommodates your schedule, allowing for holiday enjoyment.
- Encourage your child to utilize technology, while emphasizing its potential for both learning and entertainment.
- Make reading a priority activity during the holidays.