Primary School Rankings in Washington State [2024]

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Check out the list Ranking the top 100 primary schools in Western Australia for 2024.

Explore this page to find the ideal school for your child in Western Australia. We’ve compiled a table featuring some of the most popular schools, aiding you in your decision-making process.

Each school’s ranking is determined by considering various factors, including Google Maps ranking, parent reviews, student backgrounds, and overall school popularity.

Primary School Rankings in Western Australia

Caladenia School tops the popularity charts as the leading school in Western Australia.

RankPrimary SchoolPopularityLocationPost Code
1Caladenia242%Canning Vale 6155
2International School of Western Australia237%Doubleview6018
3Wembley234%Wembley 6014
4Dalkeith233%Dalkeith 6009
5Wesley College226%South Perth6151
6Willetton218%Willetton 6151
7Holy Spirit School207%City Beach 6015
8Perth College206% Mount Lawley6050
9Bull Creek201%Bull Creek6149
10Nedlands198%Nedlands 6009
11Christ Church Grammar School197%Claremont 6010
12Chrysalis Montessori School192%Glendalough 6016
13Scotch College191%Swanbourne 6010
14Holy Spirit School184%City Beach 6015
15Ardross180%Ardross 6153
16Como176%Como 6152
17Winthrop175%Winthrop 6150
18Shelley172%Shelley 6148
19Aquinas College170%Salter Point 6152
21Hollywood166%Perth 6009
22Jolimont164%Jolimont 6014
23Subiaco162%Subiaco 6008
24John XXIII College161%Claremont 6010
25Hale School159%Wembley Downs6019
26City Beach158%City Beach6015
27North Cottesloe157%Cottesloe 6011
28Booragoon155%Booragoon 6154
29Regent College152%Victoria Park6100
30Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School151%Gelorup 6230
31Carey Baptist College149%Harrisdale 6112
32Wattle Grove147%Wattle Grove6107
33Methodist Ladies’ College146%Claremont 6010
34St Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School144%Karrinyup 6018
35Mount Lawley141% Mount Lawley6050
36Doubleview139%Doubleview 6018
37St Paul’s136%Mount Lawley6050
38Rossmoyne 134%Rossmoyne 6148
39Floreat Park132%Floreat6014
40Mount Claremont131%Claremont 6010
41All Saints’ College128%Bull Creek6149
42Kensington127%Kensington 6151
43Swanbourne124%Swanbourne 6010
44Sorrento123%Sorrento 6020
45Rehoboth Christian College122%Kenwick 6107
46Penrhos College120%Como 6152
47Applecross119%Applecross 6153
49East Fremantle116%Fremantle6160
50Inglewood113% Inglewood6052
51Little Grove112%Little Grove6330
53Rosalie109%Shenton Park6008
54Heritage College Perth106%Forrestfield6058
55Sutherland Dianella104%Dianella6059
56Freshwater Bay103%Claremont6010
57West Leederville102%West Leederville6007
59Blue Gum Montessori School96% Bibra Lake6163
63Sacred Heart89%40 Ovens Rd, Thornlie6108
65St Joseph’s School85%Northam 6401
67Canning Vale83%Canning Vale6155
68St Thomas’81%Claremont 6010
70North Perth78%North Perth6006
72Hawker Park75%Warwick6024
73Lance Holt School72%Fremantle6160
74Padbury Primary School71% Padbury 6025
75The Beehive Montessori School70%Mosman Park6012
76Mount Pleasant68%Mount Pleasant6153
77Campbell67%Canning Vale6155
78Thornlie Christian College65%Southern River6110
79St Mark’s Anglican Community School61% Hillarys 6025
80North Fremantle60%North Fremantle6159
81John Calvin School Albany59%Yakamia6330
82West Leeming Primary School54%Leeming6149
83Fremantle Christian College52%Hamilton Hill6163
84Geraldton Grammar School47%Geraldton6530
85Glengarry Primary School33%Duncraig6023
86Divine Mercy College30%Yangebup 6164
87Riverton Primary School29%Riverton 6148
88Hammond Park24%Hammond Park 6164
89Padbury Catholic21%Padbury 6025
90Lake Monger19%Wembley 6014
91Brentwood Primary School17%Brentwood 6153
92The Quintilian School16%Mount Claremont 6010
93Kyilla Primary School13%North Perth6006
94Woodlands Primary School12%Woodlands 6018
95Karrinyup Primary School10%Karrinyup 6018
96Presbyterian Ladies’ College9%Peppermint Grove6011
97South Perth8%South Perth6151
98Marmion Primary School6%Marmion 6020
99Guildford Primary School5%Guildford 6055
100St Peter’s Primary School4%Inglewood 6052

Top Primary Schools in Western Australia by City


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